Everen Capital | Business Principles

Business Principles

Our mission is to create, develop, and support cutting-edge infrastructure that will improve financial market accessibility and transparency.


We believe in liberal financial markets. Our goal is to create a benchmark for financial intermediary transparency and market accessibility.

Achieving Excellence in Investing

  • To us, this involves generating attractive profits without the associated risk.
  • A mismatch between profits and risk is a characteristic of markets that are not of high efficiency.
  • We strive for superior returns.
  • Our priority is to produce consistency through our actions.
  • We take great measures towards capital protection.
  • We focus on superior performance in times of volatility.

How we achieve excellence in investing

  • Exclusive, In-Depth Research

    In order to add value to our markets, we need a deep knowledge advantage, which can only be obtained through exclusive, in-depth research. Each market has its own team of highly skilled professionals, and we have developed a research technique that is routinely used. Our research focuses on identifying the elements that are required to achieve success and then identifying investment candidates that meet those requirements.

  • Unity of Interests

    Our main priority is to maintain a harmonious relationship with our clients by being mindful of any possible conflicts of interest. We avoid such conflicts whenever feasible and ensure that we treat our clients with fairness and impartiality. Our clients' satisfaction is our utmost concern, and we treat all clients equally. We follow a fundamental principle of transparency, where our actions are motivated by our genuine intention to serve our clients' best interests, and we are open about our practices to everyone.

  • Personnel Practices

    Our team of experts continuously contributes to the achievement of our clients’ goals. Workforce instability, internal politics, and unhealthy competitiveness must all be avoided in order to maintain a peaceful workplace and a spirit of cooperation. Our employees will always benefit from the rewards of our labor in a fair and equitable manner. Employee ownership and firm-wide profit participation are critical in this regard.

  • Cooperation with Clients

    Cooperating with clients means addressing their demands while also strengthening our relationships with them. Every client should fully comprehend our concept, strategy, actions, and outcomes. When we discuss our performance, we are honest about our accomplishments, not making excuses for losses or taking credit for good wins.


All the elements mentioned above should play a role in enhancing our company's profitability. Everen Capital is run with the objective of benefiting its clients and stakeholders, along with its proprietors and employees. The pursuit of profit, expansion for the sake of expansion, and achieving prosperity through expense reduction are all evidently contradictory. If we succeed in investing, our revenues ought to grow.

Business Principles


New Products

When it comes to introducing new products to Everen Capital's portfolio of investing methods, we prioritize avoiding mistakes over seizing every opportunity. In each situation, we base our choice to develop a new product on:

  • Identifying a market that is inefficient but has the potential for high returns;
  • Confidence in the market's ability to be exploited with minimal risk;
  • Having access to an investing team that is capable of delivering the results we desire.

We make sure that the company's new products represent a move into highly related fields, this being accomplished together with people with whom we have substantial first-hand knowledge, due to the high priority placed on ensuring that these conditions are met.


Fee Structures for Management Services

We strive for fair compensation through our management fee arrangements while also seeking to build strong business relationships. Our fee structures are created to motivate us to prioritize our clients' needs, and they are fair, competitive, and transparent.


All our actions are guided by our purpose “We protect your future”. The power of this promise and the increasing role Everen Capital plays in people’s lives were impressively confirmed by our client feedback survey.

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Responsible Investments

Our global investment management team has control over which industries and companies our funds are invested in. Decisions about what is or isn't invested in is in our control, guided by our Responsible Investment Policy.

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